Over 30 years of working for you with PennDot
1012 Pottstown Pike, Chester Springs, PA 19425 - GOOGLE MAP
610-458-0161 610-458-8395 Fax: 610-458-8735
e-mail: asctitle@yahoo.com
If you need a Driving Record, it can be applied for in either a 3 year OR a 10 year period. Just come in and we can have them within 24 hours, sometimes the same day. The Pennsylvania Driving Record we issue you will show your name, address, driver number, date of birth, class of license, license status, Departmental actions and violations for the past three years prior to the date the Record is being issued.
If you hold a Commercial Driver's License, you may obtain a record going back more either 3 or 10 years. Certified Driving Records are also available and are issued bearing the Pennsylvania State Seal embossed into the paper. The Department of Transportation charges a fee of $ 10.00 for a Certified Pennsylvania Driving Record. Certified Driving Records will show your name, address, driver number, date of birth, class of license, license status, Departmental actions and violations for the complete history of the driver on file in Pennsylvania.